Partnership / Sponsorship

The Best Way to Reach Marketers
& Their Audiences


Do you want your business to stand out in the Metroplex marketing community?

Partnering with AMA DFW gives visibility to your hard work with tailored programs that increase brand awareness and bring in new, qualified business contacts. To learn more about taking your local business development to the next level, complete the form below.

AMA DFW is built to connect YOU with DFW marketers

With access to almost 600 members (over 33% of which engage with a Fortune 1000 firm), you’ll have reach. Your business will be creatively pushed to an active audience of over 6,000 professionals in advertising, market research, comms, PR, academia, and service industries. Exposure beyond our immediate audience – most events are open and we host joint programs with other local organizations (IABC, Ad League, US Commercial Service and the Center for Non-Profit Management to name a few).

Our Reach/Connections

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Align your company with the best!

We consistently rank among the strongest and most dynamic of
the 75 AMA chapters and recently earned both Leadership
and Programming Excellence awards.

We also welcome In-Kind Services and Product Donations such as:

Printing Signage

Postage for direct mailings

Marketing-related handouts and premiums

Promotional items that can be customized

Awards and gifts

Food and beverages

Event Space

Meeting Space

Decor and Floral

Entertainment services

Items for speaker gifts, door prizes, and volunteer

appreciation such as:

Gift certificates

Marketing and business-related books

Event tickets

AMA DFW is built to connect YOU with DFW marketers

To learn more about AMA DFW sponsorship opportunities complete the form below:

Many Thanks To Our Chapter Sponsors